Portfolio of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Trading Under $5
The following table lists 14 artificial intelligence (AI) stocks trading under $5.Portfolio Values
To inspect the performance of the AI Stocks Under $5 portfolio, see the chart below. Portfolio values are computed using monthly closes for stocks from Alpha Vantage.The 9 stocks included in the portfolio computations are: DTMXF, FOBIF, NEXCF, OSS, OTRK, QGSI, REKR, PKKFF and TREIF. The current value of the portfolio assumes that $1,111.11 was invested in each stock at its closing monthly price for the first date shown on the portfolio value chart below. All prices are adjusted for splits and dividends. The 5 stocks excluded from the portfolio computations because of insufficient price data are: AIMLF, BBAI, AICOF, AIRE and VRSSF.The current value of the $10,000 investment is $3,238. The percent return is -67.62%. The annualized return is -31.33%.
Portfolio Value Chart for Last 100 Daily Closes