Stock Upside/Downside Ratio Calculator

Experienced investors know that buying stocks at relatively low prices increases the chances of making money. Buying near lows is usually better than buying near highs.

Use the calculator to compute the ratio of upside price potential to downside price potential for any stock, exchange-traded fund (ETF) and mutual fund listed on a major U.S. stock exchange and supported by Alpha Vantage. Some stocks traded on non-U.S. exchanges are also supported. Indexes are not supported.

Upside price potential = percent current price is from high price

Downside price potential = percent current price is from low price

Upside/Downside Ratio = (percent current price is from high price / percent current price is from low price

The higher the ratio the more upside potential relative to downside potential. A stocks with current prices near its high will have a lower ratio than a stock near its low.

The ratio is a relative measure and is not intended to be used as a buy signal.

Stock Upside/Downside Ratio Calculator
Stock Symbol:
Start Month:
Start Year:
End Month:
End Year:

All prices are adjusted for splits and dividends.

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