Expected Investment Return Calculator

Use the Expected Investment Return Calculator to compute the expected future price and associated expected return for an initial investment given a projected upside and downside price. You specify the probability of the projected upside and downside prices. The two probabilities must add up to one.

The expected price is:

Expected Price = Projected Upside Price * Probability of Projected Upside Price + Projected Downside Price * Probability of Projected Downside Price

The expected return is:

Expected Return = ((Expected Price - Initial Price) / Initial Price) *100

Expected Investment Return Calculator
Initial Price of Investment ($):
Projected Upside Price (>= Initial Price) ($):
Probability of Projected Upside Price (0 - 1):
Projected Downside Price(<= Initial Price) ($):
Probability of Projected Downside Price (0 - 1):
Expected Price
Expected Return (%)

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