Stock Return Calculator for UGP
Start DateApr-30-2019
Start Price$4.67
End DateApr-18-2024
End Price$5.08
# Prices61
Min DateSep-30-2022
Min Price$2.11
Max DateFeb-29-2024
Max Price$5.84
Total Return8.77%
Annualized Return1.67%
Current Value of $1,000 Purchase$1,088
Number Returns1,830
Average Return7.68%
Minimum Return-61.73%
Maximum Return176.15%
Number Profitable Returns863
Percent Profitable Returns47.16%
Number Unprofitable Returns967
Percent Unprofitable Returns52.84%
Profitable to Unprofitable Returns Ratio0.89
Stock Dividend, Valuation, Price and Financial Data for Investors Dividend Chart Stock Return Calculator